A Message From Pastor Billy

Weekly service:

Worship Service - 10:30AM

by: Kay Courtney



First of all, let me say thank you to everyone who attends Brushwood Cowboy Church in person and online.  Each and every one of you are extremely important to this ministry. Some of you can’t be here because of distance, some of you are not here because you work on Sunday,

Well praise God we are glad and happy to announce that Brushwood Cowboy Church is completely debt free. I want to personally thank each and everyone of you that have given to the ministry to the best of your ability with your tires in your office this is such a blessing to be able to finally be debt-free in our church.

While we were debt-free Does not mean that you need to quit giving your ties in your tithes and offerings we have a long ways to go do you have a building process we have builders coming in October to complete the restrooms they will also be working on the inside of the church to finish out the walls and anything else that needs to be done so pray for them as they come.

I know a lot of you would like to give but she just don’t know where to give her how to give to the church so hopefully starting the second week of August we will have our online giving up and running it’ll be safe it’ll be secure and we will also have a record of your giving for the end of the year so please join us in person if you can or online each and every week as we go live at 10:30 AM every Sunday morning

you can text me at 737-990-9172 or email me at bcummings7@yahoo.com if you have questions
Pastor Billy G Cummings 
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First of all, let me say thank you to everyone who attends Brushwood Cowboy Church in person and online.  Each and every one of you are extremely important to this ministry. Some of you can’t be here because of distance, some of you are not here because you work on Sunday,

Well praise God we are glad and happy to announce that Brushwood Cowboy Church is completely debt free. I want to personally thank each and everyone of you that have given to the ministry to the best of your ability with your tires in your office this is such a blessing to be able to finally be debt-free in our church.

While we were debt-free Does not mean that you need to quit giving your ties in your tithes and offerings we have a long ways to go do you have a building process we have builders coming in October to complete the restrooms they will also be working on the inside of the church to finish out the walls and anything else that needs to be done so pray for them as they come.

I know a lot of you would like to give but she just don’t know where to give her how to give to the church so hopefully starting the second week of August we will have our online giving up and running it’ll be safe it’ll be secure and we will also have a record of your giving for the end of the year so please join us in person if you can or online each and every week as we go live at 10:30 AM every Sunday morning

you can text me at 737-990-9172 or email me at bcummings7@yahoo.com if you have questions
Pastor Billy G Cummings 
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